The Ultimate Wedding Show

Details of The Ultimate Wedding Show.

This fair was organised by Art of Weddings.

We have not been informed of the next date for The Ultimate Wedding Show by Art of Weddings. If you know when this event is taking place then please contact us. Please bookmark this page to check back later.

Other events at Royal Cornwall Showground

DateEvent NameOrganiser Contact DetailsEvent Type
01 December 2024
Add to Calendar 01/12/2024 09:00:00 01/12/2024 17:00:00 35 Winter Wonderland Wedding Show wedding fair. Full details Royal Cornwall Showground Art of Weddings Organizer e-mail true DD/MM/YYYY
Winter Wonderland Wedding Show
• Cornwall's No.1 Wedding Planning Event
• Diverse selection of wedding professionals
• Free entry
Organiser: Art of Weddings
Name: Jules Hayden
Telephone: 07500868163
wedding fair

Royal Cornwall Showground